Welcome to

St. Anthony’s Shrine, T C Palya

The Church of St. Anthony, situated at Thambuchettypalya near Krishnarajapura, is prominent because of the wonder-worker St. Anthony. The Church has been a source of spirituality to the people of the surrounding areas and has poured out God’s immense graces.Today Church is adorned with modernity apart from vibrant sanctity. Many clerics have strived in building this Shrine of unity in diversity. The glimpse of such clergymen is an inspiration to all of us.

Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado

Archbishop of Bangalore

Msgr C. Francis

Parish Priest




Alter Servers

Legion of Mary

Vincent De Paul

St. Anthony’s Choir

Annadana Seva Samithi

Liturgical Animation Team

Cemetery Maintenance Committee


Magnificat 2023

Mother Mary’s humility, devotion and obedience to God is the primary reason why God has made her the Queen of Heaven. Devotion to Mother Mary is one of the integral aspects of the catholic faith and hence we celebrate various feasts of Mother Mary.

Jubilarians' Day 2022

On 27th February we celebrated Jubilarians’ Day in our Parish, for all the couples who have completed their 50+ years of marriage life.

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Most Rev. Dr. Peter Machado celebrated Feast Mass and inaugurated our Church website

Bengaluru Police Commisioner visits our Church

Mr. Kamal Pant, IPS visits our Church to greet on the occasion of Christmas

Yuva Spoorthy - 2022

Yuva Spoorthy, a day with a youth celebrated on 20th Feb, 2022.

Installation Ceremony

of our new Parish Priest Msgr. C. Francis on 22nd August, 2021 by Most. Rev. Dr. Peter Machado


Through St Anthony I had experienced and experiencing a lot of miracles in my day-to-day life. Now, I am giving this testimony to proclaim the glory of God.

I (Monica) was married to my beloved on 25th Jan. 2021 in this St Anthony’s Church, T C Palya. Within 3 to 4 months of our wedding, me and my husband were worried as my pregnancy was getting delayed. We were scared and sometimes I was worried about the future insults in the society. Myself and my husband prayed here in St Anthony’s Shrine to bless us with positive pregnancy result before our first anniversary of wedding. St Anthony heard my prayers and presented my worries to the Lord. Now I am 5 months pregnant.

My husband and me prayed and have received this greatest favor through the miraculous intercession of St Anthony. Conceiving the Child is the greatest joy in my life.

“O Miraculous St Anthony bless me and my family” Lord Jesus Christ we are thankful to you and we acknowledge your might works. Amen.

Monica Kiran

Praise the Lord

My name is Divya and my husband’s name is Prem. By the grace of God, we are blessed with two daughters. Two weeks back my younger daughter was sick, we took her to hospital in complain of stomach pain that later turned into fever, cold and cough. Doctor prescribed medicine and we started giving her but she was not fine she stopped having food, started coughing frequently.

Then doctor asked us to get chest X-ray and CBC blood test, then we found some sputum(mucus) around her chest then started with other treatment with nebulization and antibiotics even then after 2 days the cough became more.

We were scared and worried, I surrendered her to the Lord Jesus Christ and St. Anthony that touch my little one and heal her I can’t see my girl suffering like this help us Oh Lord I will be testimony. Then in next 2 days her cough stopped, fever reduced. She started having food and she is ready to go back to school.

Yes, the Lord as answered my prayer through St. Anthony. Thank you, Lord, thank you St. Anthony for always being with us in our difficulties. Yes, my dear friends in all your difficulties hold on to St. Anthony he will never let you down. Praise the Lord.


Thanks to St Anthony of Padua, the wonder worker.

I am Mary Catherine, seeking job in abroad from past one year and because of this pandemic I was disappointed and I was very much scared as I resigned my job also. One of my friends told me to come to this St Anthony’s Shrine in T C Palya to pray to St Anthony. I came to this Church and started my 9 weeks Novena prayers to St Anthony and on the third week it was a miracle happened to me as my flight tickets got confirmed with the job. On the same Tuesday, that is 28 Dec 2021, I am traveling. All my prayers have been heard. I send this testimony through my friend.

I thank St Anthony for being so supportive for my prayers and for the intercession with the living God.

Mary Catherine


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